Centred Solutions

Tennant Creek, Katherine & Northern Australia NT

CEO (CEO & General Management)

Full time

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Please note: this recruitment process is being supported by external consulting firm Centred Solutions. 

Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation (JCAC) is seeking a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to lead and strengthen our long-term Aboriginal-owned organisation. This is an exciting role for an experienced CEO to work with a committed Aboriginal Board, and support and guide a team of incredible staff across a range of business units, services and programs.

We have recently gone through a challenging period, however our Board has worked to address causes of these challenges. This has involved strengthening governance, financial management, compliance and service delivery outcomes. During this period we have also focused on implementing and strengthening systems, structures, and the Board's overall visibility of the organisation. We are looking for an experienced and ethical CEO who will continue to provide leadership and development across all of these areas, understand and value the role of supporting the Board in having genuine visibility over the organisation’s performance, risks and responsibilities, support our staff and continue to build on and develop our capability into the long-term future.


JCAC is governed by an elected Board, made up of Directors who are appointed by our members from the Aboriginal community of Tennant Creek and the surrounding Barkly region in the Northern Territory.

As one of the largest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations in Australia, with a history stretching back more than 30 years, JCAC has a long and proud record of community service delivery. The Corporation grew out of the Warumungu Papula organisation, formed in 1974. Its primary purpose then, as it remains today, was to alleviate poverty and improve the wellbeing of the Aboriginal people of Tennant Creek and surrounding homeland communities.

Today, JCAC delivers the following services for our mob:

  • Community Safety – we help keep people safe

  • Child and Family Services – we look after our children and families

  • Aged Care Services – we look after our old people

  • Training and Employment Services – we help people develop new skills and participate in employment

  • Tenancy and Municipal Services – we look after our houses and our places

  • Art Centre Operations – we support our artists and provide the public access to well run facilities

JCAC also prioritises strong corporate governance and performance, and to do this delivers the following internal services:

  • Governance and Strategy – we maintain strong governance culture and a clear strategy for our future

  • Risk and Compliance – we manage risk and meet our obligations

  • Finance – we look after our finances

  • Human Resources – we look after our people

  • Property and Assets – we look after our property and assets


Anyinginyi Manu Anyula Parkamarri Wilyangka

Our Country, us mob, hold it strongly


To inspire, accelerate and amplify the impact of our self-determination through the effective delivery of programs, projects and advocacy in the areas of:

  • Culture, Heritage and the Arts

  • Community and Social Wellbeing

  • Commercial and Social Enterprises

  • Employment, Education and Training

  • Housing and Construction


  • Respect  – for our country and one another

  • Integrity  – for us mob – to be honest and ethical in our dealings with each other

  • Accountability  – hold it strongly and take responsibility for what we do and the decisions we make

  • Unity  – to speak and act together hearing all people. Together we will build


  • Goal 1: Strong governance and leadership

  • Goal 2: Employing, training and supporting people in the Tennant Creek and Barkly Region

  • Goal 3: Housing for independence, health and wellbeing

  • Goal 4: Economic growth and viability

  • Goal 5: Strong relationships and partnerships

  • Goal 6: Strong community and social services


The CEO is a strategic leadership role, and reports directly to the JCAC Board of Directors. The CEO has oversight of all business units, and is responsible for the organisation’s overall performance and service delivery responsibilities. This includes overall responsibility for the entire organisation, including leadership, management and oversight of the following internal corporate business units:

  • Governance and Strategy

  • Risk and Compliance

  • Finance

  • Human Resources

  • Property and Assets

You will also oversee all other JCAC service delivery business units, including:

  • Community Safety

  • Child and Family services

  • Aged Care Services

  • Training and Employment services

  • Tenancy and Municipal services

  • Arts Centre Operations

There are many internal and external stakeholders related to these business units, and the CEO must manage these relationships positively and collaboratively. The CEO has direct line management of executive staff, including the General Manager Finance and the Office Manager.

You will provide leadership and guidance to all staff, including creating a culturally safe and supportive environment for a majority Aboriginal workforce. You will have experience in managing, leading and uplifting a large team from diverse range of backgrounds, and well-adept in managing the different pressures living and working together in a small community. 

You will understand the importance of cultural competency and Aboriginal empowerment and self-determination, as well as the very unique social and economic challenges faced by Aboriginal people every day. In light of this, you will take your role as CEO and leader of one of the region’s most important community-controlled organisations with the upmost integrity, authenticity and professionalism.


Candidates for the position of Chief Executive Officer must address the following selection criteria:

Previous experience:

  • Minimum five years experience running a similar sized organisation, including experience managing and maintaining relationships with Aboriginal Board Directors effectively through ethical governance, business practice and financial management.

  • Experience with governance frameworks, including the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) and an understanding of legislative responsibilities in a not-for-profit / community-led organisation.

  • Strong capability in managing budgets, financial performance and reporting, and long-term organisational strategy setting and delivery to ensure sustainable growth and impact.

  • Experience in the use of corporate business systems to support organisational performance

  • Proven ability to build and maintain relationships with diverse stakeholders, including community leaders, government agencies, funding bodies, and private sector partners.

You will have:

  • A respectful and consultative leadership style that empowers and builds trust with staff and the Board.

  • Persistent approach to time management and meeting deadlines.

  • Strong commitment to ethical practices, good governance, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of organisational operations.

  • Deep respect for and sensitivity to the diverse cultural values, traditions, and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Straight people, with a passion for supporting self-determination and empowerment.


  • Tertiary skills in finance, business, management or 10 years demonstrated relevant experience at a senior level.


  • Current Australian Driver's License

  • NT Working With Children Clearance (Ochre Card)

  • National Police Check Clearance


This is a senior executive position and we are looking for the right candidate. Salary will be competitive and negotiable depending on experience, plus superannuation, vehicle, housing and salary sacrifice.


Applications close 5pm (NT time) 24 January 2024. 

To apply,  you must provide:

  • A cover letter

  • Short statement against each selection criteria 

  • A current CV / Resume, including two current referees

For further information, or to apply via a separate process (link to apply can be emailed separately) please contact admin@centredsolutions.com.au.